Blog Assignment 1
1. What presentations did you
Educational non-profit management, coaching softball, neonatal nursing,
Cal Poly PTS, Software development, Coaching soccer, basketball, warehouse Op.
Management, hippotherapy, Electrician, Soccer, Teaching middle school
math, Automotive repair, and Structural engineering.
2. What questions do you
have that haven't been answered about the senior project? This can be about the
senior project in general, any components or about a presentation topic you saw
or what they said.
I follow my mentor through the entire senior year leading up to the
do we start working on the presentation?
3. What
has the most important part of the senior project based on what you are seeing
in the 2-hour presentations?
From what I saw in the presentations, I concluded that the
most important part of the senior project is finding a topic you are passionate
4. What topic are you considering
doing and why?
I am considering doing Fashion Design for my senior
project because it is what I am passionate about and plan on following in that
5. What are you doing for your
summer mentorship?
I am spending my summer mentorship with two FIT (Fashion
Institute of Technology) students as well as taking a month summer intensive
design class at Parsons School of Design which should assist me in my senior project.